Book Review: Only Daughter by Anna Snoekstra


only-daughterIn this chilling psychological thriller, one woman’s dark past becomes another’s deadly future 

In 2003, sixteen-year-old Rebecca Winter disappeared.  

She’d been enjoying her teenage summer break: working at a fast-food restaurant, crushing on an older boy and shoplifting with her best friend. Mysteriously ominous things began to happen—blood in the bed, periods of blackouts, a feeling of being watched—though Bec remained oblivious of what was to come.  

Eleven years later she is replaced. 

A young woman, desperate after being arrested, claims to be the decade-missing Bec.  

Soon the imposter is living Bec’s life. Sleeping in her bed. Hugging her mother and father. Learning her best friends’ names. Playing with her twin brothers. 

But Bec’s welcoming family and enthusiastic friends are not quite as they seem. As the imposter dodges the detective investigating her case, she begins to delve into the life of the real Bec Winter—and soon realizes that whoever took Bec is still at large, and that she is in imminent danger.


Only Daughter by Anna Snoekstra is a fast-paced thriller. It starts with drama and suspense such that I found myself captivated by the narrative from the first page. The story begins with the imposter Bec mentioned in the blurb. Fake Bec finds herself in the real Bec’s life and starts trying to fit in the missing girl’s life. The tension starts there. I kept wondering whether she would pull it off or if someone will discover the lie. I was nervous for fake Bec while at the same time, I wanted something to happen.

The narrators of the story are the two Becs. There is the real Bec and the Imposter Bec. The real Bec narrates about the past events leading to her disappearance. Her narration is also filled with suspense and tension. As the story moved forward, the mystery and tension heightened as we go closer to finding out what really happened to her. Did she run away? Was she taken? What happened to the real Bec? The fake Bec narrates about the present events, years after real Bec went missing. We get to see her trying to fake her way into her new life until she discovers that there is still danger lurking around. Whatever happened to the real Bec could possibly end up being her fate too,

The two timelines are narrated in alternating chapters. As the story progresses, the two narrations start to connect such that we find out what happened to the real Bec as the same time the imposter Bec makes the realization and then things get really dark.

I couldn’t have predicted the twists or guess the identity of the bad guy in this story. There is absolutely no way that I could have seen that twist coming. I have encountered vile book villains but the ones in this book take the trophy. This reminded me of all those weird episodes of Criminal Minds where the un-subs are so twisted and evil. Anna Snoekstra really created some of the vilest characters ever.

I think the only thing that bugged me about the story was about the detectives. I just couldn’t only-daughter-2get why they didn’t more to check on imposter Bec’s story. I mean, nobody was really pushing her to give answers. However, I decided to sit back and enjoy the book despite this little glitch.

Only Daughter by Anna Snoekstra was a quick read for me since I couldn’t put it down. I read it at home, at bank while queuing, at the salon, in the bus as in seriously, I couldn’t put it down. I was able to finish reading the book over a busy weekend. That is how much I liked it. If you like psychological thrillers with some dark, twisted, very disturbing villains then you should definitely check this one out. The characters and eerie atmosphere makes this quite a thrilling read.

Ps: I read mixed reviews about this book before reading it but I really think that all fans of thrillers should give it a chance.

Title: Only Daughter
Author: Anna Snoekstra
Publisher: Mira
Publication: September 20, 2016
Genre: Thriller
Pages: 288