Top Ten Tuesday: Ten Books that won’t make you cry

top ten tuesday

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created by The Broke and the Bookish. Each week, book bloggers get a topic which entails giving a list of ten things based on the topic.

Today’s topic is:April 19: Ten Books That Will Make You Laugh (or at least chuckle)

I have read a number of books that have made me cry  but I really can’t think of any book that have made me laugh. Some books have made me chuckle perhaps but most just make me smile.So my top ten has books that will not make you cry.

Here are some of the books that made me chuckle.



These next 4 books are likely to make you smile.



SHELDON I need to find a book that will make me laugh like this

So clearly, I haven’t read many funny books. I look forward to reading your TTT posts(please share your links) and discovering funny books that I can  add to my TBR list.

 Photo credit for the featured image